
Matsuken Samba  : Shogun plays Samba

First, see this ---
A shogun with golden kimono plays samba. homepage
Actually, he, Ken Matsudaira, is a TV actor famous by a drama Abarembo Shogun, in which he plays a role of Shogun.


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My DSL is disconnected frequently

I'd been happy in October with my 5Mbps DSL. Now it slows down to 128kbps plus repeating half-a-minute disruptions, followed by 10sec ephemeral connections.
Ô vraiment marastre Nature,
Puisqu'une telle c'nnexe ne dure
que du minuit jusques à 00:01!
Now I am posting with trad 40kbps modem. I know that the situation is far worse in the rest of the world, however, this instinct toward the speed... something druggy is here.


My vote set

(murder, abortion, gay) = (NG, OK, OK)
I still understand of the people who insist: (NG, NG, NG), (NG, NG, OK) or (NG, OK, NG) because those theories are at least consistent, if not approvable.
What is incomprehensible is that there are people with (OK, NG, NG).
The word pro-life is an irony.

On that election

I had not found a good word to describe my impression before I saw a logo of a toilet roll package sold in Japan: a toilet roll package with a logo 'pity'


Peter Jennings for President

Not really. Or whoever.
When the automatic voting machines, ie machines for vote and machines who vote, are counting and recounting each religion, Mauritania is fighting against the illiteracy. (Agence mauritanienne d'information).


For pro-Bush American citizens

You have said ``Leave us alone. This is our country. '' ...
One thing to consider: this world is not only yours. Once, black people, or women, they did not have right to vote. Now they have it, provided if they have American citizenship. You might think it's natural, but that's not the whole story. A presidental election of a country usually affects the country only. If this were the case, you could vote for anybody. However, you like it or not, America is a country whose policies might, say, benefit or kill , us people in the rest of the world. What's important here is that we (the rest) don't have right to participate directly in that American political process which would affect our future.
Though I know my writing is poor, I wrote this because I cannot help but hope.


Nodame Cantabile  #11

will be published January 13th 2005, according to the author. This info was on the author's site. That site also shows some extras, ex. this.


Who is loyal supporter of Bush?

Osama bin Laden.
Osama adresses; Americans get scared; vote for Bush; `Beat those Arabs!'; `Yankee go home!'; FOX News! Al-Jazeera! captives! weapons! found! misreport!
Good job, Osama.


Is Bush wired?

PopuloCheat™ Receiver GWB-2004 Not suitable for use in the presidential elections


Alumni meeting

Everybody except me has grown. My first love is cute even today. And I -- shemelessly confessed my past love to her. She smiled back, and said to me that she was happy to hear that. Maybe that is an end of the story, but I was also very happy that she's become a wonderful woman as expected.


Boring for gift

Recently I was reading many blogs by clicking 'Next Blog' button and I found that so many people use the word ``boring'' in their own blog, e.g. `A boring day' etc. Unfortunately, those blogs themselves were also boring at the point that all their borings are displayed in the same way. So I have made some gifs to be used in blogs when you feel something boring. boring1, boring2, boring3 and boring4 or boring5.


What kind of person at your current age did you think you would be, when you were 10 years old?

Or, with 20 years old? Are you very person as predicted before?
I didn't think I manage to live today. Old friends have changed a lot. They are adult now. They are great. For me, nothing has changed. This depressive person walks alone like a horn of rhinoceros.



L'immobilier au Japon

Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui veut habiter à Tokyo? Trop cher? Je vais en entreprendre.

David Beckham dislikes parsnip

Fuji TV (Japan). In a feature Kuwazu girai oh of a TV variety show, each of two celebs eats four dishes that [s]he claim his/her favorite are, but only one of four dishes is actually what [s]he dislikes. Today's match is fought between David and Utada. For your info, Utada's unfavorite was Hamburger steak; the reason is because she hates demiglace.


Actually, it is a little easy for Japanese to guess what Chinese newspapers say just by reading characters.
Following is taken from Google!news (HK):
Scholar pointed out that the biggest barrier for Japan to become a Permanent member of the Security Council is the problem about history
`Unified Jihad Organization' menaces British hostage again with death
British media comments that Bush's speech at UN aims at Presidential Election

Ready to collapse

On ne le finit PAS ENCORE. Comment améliorer le projet informatique?? Demain, téléphonerai-je à l'immobilier? Chaud. Des moustiques...


Ready to drop out

Au travail. Le lenteur de tâches d'un programmeur me fâche. Plus, le conseil par un cadet me décourage. ne pas encore téléphoner à l'immobilier.


Britney marries

I don't know much about her --- I sometimes mix up her name with Buitoni. (In Japanese: Britney -> Buritonii, Buitoni -> Buitooni)

Yoon Dong-Ju

Looking up at the sky till the day of my death, Nothing to be ashamed.


Be prosy

Never be poetic. Wait until a poetry itself comes to you. Rime is treacherous. Imagine as if your mother tongue were foreign to you.


Japan, MO USA

Japan is located in Missouri, USA. ---- It's a name of a small town there. Pronunciation: Jay-pan.
Another example: Japan, PA
It's interesting that there are lot of American towns whose names are like other countries/cities in the world.


Whoever you like

,   for President


Guess which is longer

Click image to see the answer.


Apartment under the high-voltage line

Yesterday I found a good newly-built apartment with 79,000Yen, 24m2 floor. However, my move to a new apartment has been suspended, due to my fear about electromagnetic field under the high-voltage (154kV) power line 40-50m from the apartment. I had been to Akihabara to buy a Gauss (magnetic flux density) meter, but price was 18,900yen, so actually I bought a cheaper toy-like detector, which costed 3,600yen. With this detector, I could not find any dangerous level (2mG=0.2microT and 25V/m) under the power line. However, I did not trust the detector. Yes, What matters is my anxiety rather than the potential danger of electromagnetic field itself. Does anybody live happily in such environment?


Hart, a dear, a poor male dear

just for a test...
The access here for antireseau.blogspot.com sometimes freezes. Ping responds sometimes, as:
Pinging blogspot.blogger.com
Maybe it's a delay of nameserver entry? I can post, but I cannot see the page.

I am not a creator --- Myth of Invention

Is Thomas Alva Edison great? Maybe. But was it him alone, who made available electricity in every house ? No. Anyone else also? Yes. Often-misguided Nikola Tesla of course, but even much more anonymous contributors have been on the timeline. Mr. John Doe, daily worker who built a power pole at this street, this state, USA; Yamada Hanako, who solved such and such equations necessary for effective amplification; or ancient Kurgan person in now called Georgia, several thousands of years ago, who ameliorated some method to make a bracelet with copper.

Plan to move out

  • within 15 minutes off the station
  • larger than 20m2
  • under 80,000JPY ($730)
  • separate bath-toilet
  • air conditionner
  • space for a washing machine
  • south-facing window
  • with 40 minutes to Tokyo and within 40 minutes to Yokohama

Me, me, me and me

Dry blog. Masturbation goes on.

Vocation? I can't hear His voice.

So I keep working hard just to manage to live everyday.
note: I don't intend to hurt anyone. I just mentioned myself here. But if you think some phrases above should refer to your life, it may be because both you and me share something bitter in ourselves.


film: Spider-Man 2

Laugh to me. Childish. Immature. Whatever. I just wanted to finish the story in my brain. (I've found in an on-line dictionary that a story like Spiderman is called cliff-hanger.)
...Anyway, now everything is where it should be in the film.

differences among CJK languages

(click to enlarge)
means ``to walk'' in Chinese; ``to run, to dash'' in Japanese. Japanese for ``to walk'' is . stands for ``to go'' in Chinese while it signifies ``to go away'' in Japanese.

Dude, where's my country?

Articles taken from The Asahi Shimbun : Why some politicians tend to adore military toys?


Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo

The most/second most impressive œuvres:
  1. Tatsuo Miyajima: keep changing, connect with everything, continue forever
  2. Moïse Kisling: Des fleurs(* sorry, original title forgotten)

Film: The Blue Butterfly

For the story, see imdb.
Well...it's certainly a ``touching'' miracle, as a true story, but fictive part, added by creators, is discursive a little.

Pardon my Engurish

Okay. I know very well that my English is far worse than the potatoe-free president Bush. But see an advertisement for TV sets below, which was in a mass retailer of electronic appliances : ``A toner has the country which users.and the country which does not use.'' -- Maybe it's because of my lack of knowledge, that I do not comprehend what that retailer wanted to say. For fluent speakers: please explain what they meant for me.


Hmm... Though egoism is a source of power to write blogs, mine has some undesirable tendencies. The writer wants to represent the writer's own country/culture, despite the fact that nobody can do that, since everybody is different from others; personality supercedes nationality. When I have been to Viet Nam, I tried to blend in to the culture, but that effort itself was kind of orientalism, in the sense that I felt of myself as a person somewhat different from Vietnamese people. To confess, it is undeniable that, a sort of racism had existed in my subconscious, having some arrogance to be ``a member of G8'' (laugh to me). It is a fact that the nationality have much influence on your personality, but it is also true that you are nobody but you. You make trouble evry day, forgetting this simple conclusion (and regretfully re-open your self-help books. (in this point, moi non plus)).


Ya kekun ki é an déprésyon? Moa osi. Moa veu fér kekchoz mé san suksé.

[recommendations]Nodame Cantabile

An arabic proverb

إتعب جسمك ولا تتعب عقلك.
Tire out your body, but not your mind.

Ume (梅; pinyin: méi; plum, Japanese apricot)

Pattern of Ume, which I found in a Koshie (pictures on a grid) on the ceiling of a shrine in the northwest Japan ume image


Bush and beyond

Who has made that confusing situation ? George W Bush. Without Bush, the world would be better ? Not sure. Anyway, we should reconsider from the very beginning of the story. So, what is in the beginning?

Earthquakes and Tsunami alert

23:59 P.M. Sep 06 2004 JST (13:59PM@UTC?): We've felt a shock of an earthquake here in Kanagawa (10 km from Tokyo). It was 2-3 in Richter Scale here. At the same time, a greater earthquake (5- in R.Scale) was observed in Mie pref., near Osaka and TV says that Tsunami alert has announced officially by the Meteorological Office. TV also reports that 1m-high tsunami was seen by a firefighter who was watching for disasters.
Follow-up:(images: from NHK TV) Tsunami of 86cm has observed in Kushimoto city 00:20 JST. Magnitude: 7.3


To Americans : Say no to Bush. For me, I'll also plan an anti-Koizumi campaign. Aside from the accuracy of Fahrenheight 9/11 in which M. Moore controversially accuses George the son of his acts of perfidy, Koizumi the copycat is worse : He just followed.


My parents, my sister and I visited the city where my mother had grown up. This time will have been the last family trip since my sister will marry. My father's retirement day will arrive soon. My age has gone already over 30. Employee, still living with parents, such dependent situation has become a stress for me. So I am planning an independence. During the voyage in such asituation, I was suppressing my feelings


Japan's Ruling Coalition Stays in Power(ABC News)

Why did Associated Press use the photo of a woman voting with a straw hat? Straw hat is not very popular in Japan except rural area. My opinion is that somebody in AP wanted to imply that the election should be orientalistic. The straw hat then should connote an Asian political ``backwardness''...



Au Japon, les otages devront payer leur libération
According to Mr Koizumi and his fellows, the word responsibility is not applicable to themselves.


Recipe. How to exclude objections : A case in Japan

Annoyed lawmakers want to bill released hostages (The Asahi Shimbun)
  1. Send troops to Iraq.
  2. Let some militants capture the activists opposed to your policies.
  3. Waste the public purse using the hostage as an excuse.
  4. After the liberation, charge the ex-hostages for the TV show, as the penalty.