
Matsuken Samba  : Shogun plays Samba

First, see this ---
A shogun with golden kimono plays samba. homepage
Actually, he, Ken Matsudaira, is a TV actor famous by a drama Abarembo Shogun, in which he plays a role of Shogun.


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My DSL is disconnected frequently

I'd been happy in October with my 5Mbps DSL. Now it slows down to 128kbps plus repeating half-a-minute disruptions, followed by 10sec ephemeral connections.
Ô vraiment marastre Nature,
Puisqu'une telle c'nnexe ne dure
que du minuit jusques à 00:01!
Now I am posting with trad 40kbps modem. I know that the situation is far worse in the rest of the world, however, this instinct toward the speed... something druggy is here.


My vote set

(murder, abortion, gay) = (NG, OK, OK)
I still understand of the people who insist: (NG, NG, NG), (NG, NG, OK) or (NG, OK, NG) because those theories are at least consistent, if not approvable.
What is incomprehensible is that there are people with (OK, NG, NG).
The word pro-life is an irony.

On that election

I had not found a good word to describe my impression before I saw a logo of a toilet roll package sold in Japan: a toilet roll package with a logo 'pity'


Peter Jennings for President

Not really. Or whoever.
When the automatic voting machines, ie machines for vote and machines who vote, are counting and recounting each religion, Mauritania is fighting against the illiteracy. (Agence mauritanienne d'information).


For pro-Bush American citizens

You have said ``Leave us alone. This is our country. '' ...
One thing to consider: this world is not only yours. Once, black people, or women, they did not have right to vote. Now they have it, provided if they have American citizenship. You might think it's natural, but that's not the whole story. A presidental election of a country usually affects the country only. If this were the case, you could vote for anybody. However, you like it or not, America is a country whose policies might, say, benefit or kill , us people in the rest of the world. What's important here is that we (the rest) don't have right to participate directly in that American political process which would affect our future.
Though I know my writing is poor, I wrote this because I cannot help but hope.