
Bush and beyond

Who has made that confusing situation ? George W Bush. Without Bush, the world would be better ? Not sure. Anyway, we should reconsider from the very beginning of the story. So, what is in the beginning?

Earthquakes and Tsunami alert

23:59 P.M. Sep 06 2004 JST (13:59PM@UTC?): We've felt a shock of an earthquake here in Kanagawa (10 km from Tokyo). It was 2-3 in Richter Scale here. At the same time, a greater earthquake (5- in R.Scale) was observed in Mie pref., near Osaka and TV says that Tsunami alert has announced officially by the Meteorological Office. TV also reports that 1m-high tsunami was seen by a firefighter who was watching for disasters.
Follow-up:(images: from NHK TV) Tsunami of 86cm has observed in Kushimoto city 00:20 JST. Magnitude: 7.3

1 comment:

antiréseau said...

Actually, even only a few centimeters of tsunami may cause a serious disaster, those who didn't know that should keep in mind...